Home > The catalog in full digital transformation
Publié le 13/09/2023

The catalog in full digital transformation


Rodolphe Bonasse's statement of September 1, 2023

The catalog undergoing digital transformation

Excerpt from the ITforBusiness magazine


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a few key figures

15 billions
paper catalogs distributed in France
40 %
of paper catalogs are thrown away
3 billions
of Carrefour customers receive a personal digital catalog
  • The paper catalog is losing momentum. In 2019, 20 billion copies were distributed in France, compared to only 15 in 2022. This decline is due to the rising cost of paper and an increased awareness of environmental issues.
  • Major retailers are turning to digital. They rely on traditional media (radio, billboards, regional press) and especially on digital to promote their promotional offers.
  • Online catalog sites are popular. They allow consumers to find promotional offers based on their location.
  • Retailers are personalizing their digital catalogs. They use customer data to offer more relevant deals.
  • The paper catalog is not dead yet. It remains popular in rural areas, where the digital audience is smaller.
  • The Oui Pub initiative could lead to the modernization of the paper catalog. If this initiative is generalized, retailers will have to review their strategy to reach occasional customers.



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